In this section, we're going to focus on how to Register your Account. Specifically, how to get an account and how to Subscribe to a Product.
Navigate to the Sign Up Page, and complete the sign up form.
Once you have completed a form a verification email will be sent to the email address you provided. You will need to click on the confirmation link within this email to verify your account.
After verifying your account via the link in the email you can then navigate to your Profile Page.
Navigate to the products page and select the product you'd like to subscribe to. This will navigate you to the details page for that specific product.
Enter a name for your subscription to help you keep track of it, and then click subscribe.
You will be navigated back to your Profile page. If your chosen subscription requires Administrator approval there may be a short delay whilst your request is approved. One approved the subscription will be visible in your profile, and you can view/regenerate your keys as needed.
In this section we covered how to register your account!
Registering your account
Requesting a Subscription
Keep learning with the next API guide Discovering the APIs!